Renal and Urinary pathology
Glomerular diseases - Iterstetial diseases - Vascular diseases and Obstructive uropathy- Renal failure- Renal tumors - Bladder diseases es
Your Instructor
Lecturer of pathology and Pathology consultant
More than 16 years experience of medical education
Member of International Academy of Pathologists ICAP
Course Curriculum
Renal Diseases
Available in
after you enroll
StartRenal_Robbins File
StartCongenital diseases (7:56)
StartGlomerular diseases 1 (22:07)
StartGlomerular diseases 2 (15:11)
StartTubulo-interstetial diseases (12:06)
StartUrinary stones (11:32)
StartObstructive uropathy and Tumors (46:37)
Start3D session 1
StartCystitis (19:58)
StartTumors of the bladder (9:09)
StartCourse activation